(DIG AUDIO) On the Four Empowerments - Teachings by Tulku Thadral Rinpoche
(DIG AUDIO) On the Four Empowerments - Teachings by Tulku Thadral Rinpoche
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During the course of two days, Tulku Thadral Rinpoche gave the Green Tara and Saraswati empowerments. Prior to each empowerment, Rinpoche gave extensive and clear teachings on the meaning of each section of the empowerments. Not to be missed.
Tulku Thadral Rinpoche
Tulku Thadral was born in India in 1970 – the son of Drolma and Dondrub, the latter a yogi responsible for the Sang-ngak Choling Monastery. At the age of four he was recognized by HH Dudjom Rinpoche as the reincarnation of Lama Thadral Dorje, a close disciple of Dudjom Lingpa who had achieved rainbow body. He received refuge vows from Nyoshul Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche and Bodhicitta vows from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, followed by novice vows and full ordination from Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche and Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche. Rinpoche received the Vajrayana vows as well as the Kama and Terma transmissions from HH Dudjom Rinpoche, HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, HH Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche and Kyabje Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche. Since childhood Tulku Thadral Rinpoche has lived and studied at the Nyingmapa Wishfulfilling Center for Study and Practice, the Shedra established by HH Dudjom Rinpoche. At a young age he progressed through his studies with astonishing speed. Regarding the Vajrayana, Rinpoche completed his preliminary practices in the Dudjom Tersar cycle following instructions received from Kyabje Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, and in the Longchen Nyingthik under Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche, his root teacher. He focused his studies and practice in the Dudjom Tersar Three Roots and received teachings on philosophy, meditation and ritual training from Khenpo Thubten, Pema Tsewang Lhundrup, Khenpo Tsewang Rigdzin, Khenpo Gelek Tenzin and Lama Chimed Rinpoche. He balanced his studies with private retreat whenever he had the time. In early 1998, after graduating from his studies of sutra and tantra, Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche and Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche enthroned Rinpoche as Khentrul Thadral Rinpoche, “Khentrul” being the title bestowed on one with a Khenpo degree, also recognized as a tulku, and possessing a high level of realization. Since graduating, Tulku Thadral Rinpoche has mainly taught at the Dudjom Shedra and in 2003 was appointed by Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche as its Principal and Director of Education, a position he continues to hold to this day. Rinpoche also spends time teaching elsewhere in Asia and also in the West. Once, when he visited Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche earlier this decade, Dungse Rinpoche introduced him to Lama Tharchin Rinpoche saying in the future it would be good to have Rinpoche teach at Pema Osel Ling as he has the perfect lineage, knowledge and realization and is extremely humble and very noble. Tulku Thadral Rinpoche visited Pema Osel Ling for the first time in 2014, giving his first teaching on the land and presiding as vajra master over a Mendrup Drupchen.
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