Khata Extra Fancy (24"x96")
Khata Extra Fancy (24"x96")
Beautiful silky, white and colored khatas. These exquisite khatas are some of the nicest available, with stitched-in designs of the 8 auspicious symbols: Conch, Dharma Wheel, Fish, Infinite Knot, Lotus Flower, Parasol, Treasure Vase, and the Victory Banner. Khatas are traditional Tibetan ceremonial scarves offered as signs of devotion, love, and respect. They may be offered to one's teacher, as well as placed on statues and thangkas as a gesture of veneration. In Tibetan culture, they are also given at times of childbirth, marriage, and death. Whatever the occasion, the khata symbolizes the giver's purity of intention, as well as the interdependence of both the giver and the receiver. A beautiful offering, from a beautiful tradition.
Approximately 8 feet x 2 feet